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Dec. 29, 2020
A Story about God as Father and Lord
When I speak with other Christians, I'm always astounded at how each person's story of how they came to Jesus Christ is different. Even when it is ridiculously similar, it is still so unique to each person.
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May. 31, 2020
Black Lives Matter
It's taken me a few days to be able to do this. I have spent the last week ranting, pacing, wondering, writing, contemplating, deleting, repenting and crying. Actually it took a couple days to get past all the anger and to get to the tears.
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Mar. 16, 2020
COVID-19 and the Christian Community
We're living through a pandemic. 4 weeks ago as we celebrated, ignored or hated valentine's day, we couldn't have guessed that
this was ahead of us. A least not most of us.
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Feb. 17, 2020
Matthew 5: 3 - Isn't Everyone Poor in Spirit?
The last post in the 'sermon on the mount' series talked about those that are poor in spirit are blessed. I alluded to who is considered to fall into the category of being poor in spirit, this week I want to dig into this further.
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Jan. 20, 2020
Loving my New Job...Testimony Continues
The last time we spoke about my new job, it was just that. I shared my amazing new job testimony. T
hose of you that have seen that video will know that I had the task of choosing between 2 companies.
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Dec. 16, 2019
Why I Tried Online Dating as a Christian?
Just so we’re clear, I want to get married. I would love to meet the bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh as soon as possible and by that, I mean right this second is good for me!
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Nov. 18, 2019
I Got a New Job and an Instant Promotion!
I got a new job! I recently did a video talking about my new job and the amazing journey to this testimony, but now as I put fingers to touch screen to tell you all about it, I don't seem to have the words.
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Oct. 14, 2019
Congratulations! You're Still Single.
When I started writing this post the first line I initially wrote was "I don't want to be alone, but I am". As you can see, I deleted it. It felt like an attempt to be open and vulnerable, but it wasn't true. I'm not alone. I've never been alone.
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Sep. 16, 2019
Self-Care Practices: 3 Ways I'm Learning to Choose Me
Earlier this year, I wrote about how "the Holy Spirit has been leading me in how to do life with the people He has placed around me" and today I want to talk a bit more about what that looks like. A huge part of this change has been learning to choose me.
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Aug. 12, 2019
Why Can't Everyone go to Heaven?
Let me ask you this if a stranger turned up at your house and demanded to be a part of your family dinners, you might respectfully and rightfully say "excuse me, this is a private affair".
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